Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the closest grocery store?

The nearest grocery store is located 7 miles away in Whitehall, Jefferson Fresh Foods or Family Dollar. There are also many amenities in Butte, only 20 minutes away. And, Three Forks is a 35 minute drive.

Where is the nearest place to eat?

The Two Bit Saloon in Whitehall has lunch/dinner.  LaHood Park and Steakhouse is in Cardwell (15 Miles East).  Butte has many Breakfast and dinner restaurants and fast food choices.

What is the Maximum number of people In each dome/cabin?
Our Gray and Two Tubs Domes can accommodate 2 adults.  Sunset Dome and Mountain Oasis Domes can accomodate 4 adults. Cabin 1 can comfortably sleep 3 adults. Cabins #2, #3 and #5 sleep 4 adults. And Cabin #4 can fit up to 7 sleepers on bunkbeds wit Full bottoms and twin tops.

Are pets allowed?
Pets are allowed IN CABINS ONLY for an additional, non-refundable $50 cleaning fee per pet.

Can we have camp fires
Each accommodation comes with an outdoor firepit. Firewood is sold on site.*(14pc bundles for $10)
* IF there is a fire ban, we will let you know.

What to bring?
Each accomodation has microwaves, hot and cold water dispenser, towels, linens, coffee, coffee pot, 4 cups, 4 plastic utensel sets, 4 paper plates. Each unit has a charcoal grill, however we do not provide charcoal or grilling utensils.  We do recommend you bring a flashlight and flipflops,water shoes, crocs, etc.  We are Glamping (Glamorized Camping) we recommend you bring things you would typically take camping.